[Left to right, back row: Hutterite Soup, October, and Good Mother Stallard; front row: Jacob's Cattle Gasless, Ireland Creek Annie, and Lina Cisco's Bird Egg.]
But I didn't stop with beans. No, you just can't sustain yourself on just beans for a year. I've added plenty of veggies to the mix:
Tomatoes - Amish Paste, Sweet Pea Currant, Red Zebra, John Baer, Marglobe Supreme, Illinois Beauty, Cherokee Purple, and Beefsteak (my favorite)
Lettuces - Amish Deer Tongue, Bronze Arrowhead, Forellenschuss, Red Velvet, Susan's Red Bibb, and Yugoslavian Red Butterhead
Other Greens - Strawberry Spinach, Apollo Arugula, America Spinach
Squash - Black Beauty Zucchini, Golden Zucchini
Eggplant - Florida High Bush
Radishes - Plum Purple, Early Scarlet Globe
Beets - Chioggia, Bull's Blood, Detroit Dark Red
Carrots - Danver's Half Long, Scarlet Nantes, Dragon
Okra - Clemson Spineless, Star of David
Peas - Green Arrow, Amish Snap
Green Beans - Ideal Market, Empress
Cucumbers - Double Yield, Boothby's Blonde, A&C Pickling
Celery - Cutting Celery
Onions - Australian Brown, Red of Florence
Herbs - Fernleaf Dill, Grandma Einck's Dill, Omega Flax, Santo Coriander, Cilantro/Coriander, Chives, Greek Oregano, Giant Parsley from Italy, Rosemary, Cinnamon Basil, Genovese Basil, Stevia
Edible Flowers - Dwarf Jewel Mix Nasturtiums, Empress of India Nasturtiums
So, as you can see, I have ordered far more seeds than I have room for in my garden. I got a bit carried away due to spring fever. But all is not lost--I will share some seeds and save some seeds for next year!
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